Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Janmar coatings Essay

1. Problem Identification describes the current problem or opportunity facing the organization. The current problem that is facing Janmar Coatings is how to cost effectively market the products and what area is the best place to market. Companies rely on the leadership to help make decisions regarding the market and after two senior executive meetings, there is no resolution. 2. Industry, Market, and Buyer Analysis provides an external analysis of the organization. Consider industry structure and performance; competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, and buyer behavior. Also consider whether the market can be segmented, and if so, whether the segments can be quantified. (15 points) The US paint industry is an established industry. In 2004 it was just over a sixteen billion dollar industry. It is expected to grow steadily in line with the rate of inflation. The US paint coatings industry is divided into three parts or segments: architectural paint coatings, original equipment manufacturing coatings, and special purpose coatings. Forty-three percent of the market is held by architectural paint coatings. Architectural paint coatings are defined as general purpose paints, varnishes, and lacquers. It is used in the residential market, the commercial market and institutional structures. It is sold by wholesalers and retailers. Contractors, professional painters, and do-it yourself painters are the buyers. Thirty-five percent of the market is made up of original equipment manufacturing coatings. These are made specifically for an industrial buyer to use on products during manufacturing. These products include cars, trucks, appliances, furniture, and equipment. This would be used in the commercial market. It is sold by the manufacturer to a company manufacturing the product. The final segment of the market holds twenty-two percent, the special purpose coatings. The special purpose coatings are used for environmental applications. This is used for extreme conditions such as temperatures and exposure to chemicals. It is used on roads, roofs, and other products that are affected by chemicals or temperatures. Some of the competitors are Sherwin-Williams, Valspar, Glidden, Benjamin Moore, and PPG Industries. 3. Organizational Analysis provides an internal analysis of  the firm. Consider the organization’s mission and resources, its strengths and weaknesses, and its past performance. (15 points) Janmar Coatings sells architectural paint coatings and supplies needed. They are based in Dallas, TX. They currently market to over 50 counties in Texas. The 11 counties in Dallas/Ft Worth area is the major service area. In 2004 the industry was at 16 Billion, and the sales for Janmar was 80 million. The company divides into the Dallas Ft Worth area and non Dallas Ft Worth area. Forty-eight million was made in the Dallas Fort Worth area, and thirty-two million was made in the non Dallas Ft Worth area. This is a 60-40 split. The company’s sales are divided into 50% do it yourself painters, 25% professional painters, and 25% government sales. 4. Alternative Courses of Action describes the viable alternatives the organization might take to solve the problem. These options are often outlined in the case. Provide the pros and cons as well as the related costs and revenues for each alternative. If your quantitative analysis is extensive, please put it in an appendix to your report. (25 points) One alternative the senior management executives talk about doing is increasing advertising, with an emphasis on television. This will reach non-DFW consumers in 15 countries. This will cost them $350,000 above what they are already spending in advertising. The con to this is 75% of consumers are not purchasing paint so spending $350,000 for advertising would not reach the number they are trying to reach. The Vice President of sales wants to add one additional sales representative to the non-DFW market whose sole responsibility is to develop new retail account leads and presentations or call on professional painters to solicit their business through dealers. This will cost them approximately $60,000 excluding commission. The Vice President of Finance alternative was to continue on the approach they are heading by guarding their margins. He claims they have and will still be profitable through controlling costs. The contribution margin is  35%. 5. Recommendation/Discussion outlines and justifies the specific actions needed to address the problem. (20 points)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How may advertising act as a barrier to entry? Essay

Like almost every science, the school of Industrial economics is made up of theory and empirical studies. In Industrial economics, empirical studies are industry studies conducted by a number of researchers. Joe Bain, from the Harvard school of industrial economics, first mentions barriers to entry in an industry study he conducted in the early 1950s. Bain links entry barriers to the capacity to raise price above unit (marginal) cost in the long run without inducing potential entrants to enter the industry. Demsetz of the Chicago school links the idea of entry barriers to government based restrictions on entry, which are not relevant for this essay. Bain outlines a total of three types of barriers to entry: Absolute cost advantages, Economies of scale and Product differentiation. Bain links advertising and the creation of copyrighted brand names to product differentiation. In his 1956 industry study, he found that advertising acts as a barrier to entry more in some industries than in others. For example, he found that in the Automobile and Cigarette producing industries, advertising, effectively constituting as a barrier to entry in his belief, is used to a higher extent than in the caned fruit and vegetable industry. For a definition of advertising we refer to Colley (1961). He defines advertising as â€Å"mass paid communication, the ultimate purpose of which is to impart information, develop attitudes and induce action beneficial to the advertiser†. Advertising is usually used by firms to inform and/or persuade customers to buy their products. Firms also use advertising to remind ex-consumers that their product is still on the market or to hamper the entry of new firms into the market. It is important to establish whether advertising is predatory or cooperative advertising. Predatory advertising attracts away customers from competition, whereas cooperative advertising increases demand for all firms in the market. A profit maximising firm will typically advertise as long as the expected marginal revenue from advertising equals the expected marginal cost of advertising. Advertisement levels vary between markets mainly due to differences in market structure. For a profit-maximizing monopolist, the optimal level of advertising is dependant on the ratio between advertising and price elasticities according to Dorfmann and Steiner (1954). The greater the consumers’ responsiveness to advertising and the lower their responsiveness to changes in the product price, the higher will be the optimal level of advertising relative to sales. In an oligopoly market structure, Cable (1972), argues that advertising plays a more important role than price competition. Cable argues that rival firms quickly realize changes in price, which leads them to also lower their prices as a consequence. With regards to advertisement, it is unlikely that changes in their levels are quickly realized by the competition and effects on profits are unlikely to be closely related. This is the explanation why, according to Cable, in an oligopoly market environment high advertising intensity prevails. Advertising as persuasion – view This view is advocated by the Harvard school scholars, like J. Bain (1968). The assumption is that advertisement changes peoples perception of the product. According to Bain, advertisement increases market power and prices, as well as distorting consumers’ preferences. Bain argues that by changing the consumers perception in favour of the advertised product, demand for it becomes less price sensitive, more inelastic to changes in its price. Without any immediate changes in the competitor’s advertisement levels, consumers will be less likely to change their choices, even if the competitor lowers prices. If a rival company wishes to enter the market, it has to either offer substantial price cuts or advertise more than the incumbent. Bain classifies â€Å"persuasion† advertising as a barrier to entry, since either lower prices or heavy advertisement spending will heavily reduce the entrant’s potential profits. John Sutton brought an extension to Bain’s â€Å"Advertising as persuasion†-view in 1992. Sutton sees advertising as an endogenous strategic â€Å"sunk cost† expenditure, which firms alter like they alter price and quantity. In his model, Sutton assumes that companies use advertisement to influence different levels of perceived quality just like Bain does. This leads to consumers perceived quality becoming a function of firms’ advertisement. F(u) = f + a (u), where F(u) is the total level of fixed costs and u is the perceived quality, with a (u) being an increasing function. Sutton finds in his three staged game, that even as advertising levels increase, the number of firms in the industry remains unchanged, even if the market is growing. (Church and Ware, 2000) Advertising as information-view This view is advocated by the Chicago school scholars, like Stigler (1961). He sees advertising primarily as a means of firms providing information to consumers, who lack knowledge about the products on the market. Stigler reckons that advertisement changes consumers perception about a product so that they can make the decision as to which product is best to them. Different to Bain’s theory, this information will actually make the demand for products more price elastic. Consumers have more information about the product and will make more rational decisions. This leads to companies competing and a lower profit maximising price for the incumbents. New firms can make customers aware of the features and prices of their products though informative advertising. Whichever firm, whether incumbent or entrant, offering the best value for quality in the eyes of the consumer, will expand in the long-term, benefiting from economies of scale, leading to higher levels of concentration. In the long term, therefore, effective informative advertising may also be classified as a barrier to entry. Empirical evidence Catherine Matraves studied the â€Å"Market structure, R&D and Advertising in the Pharmaceutical Industry† in 1999. She found that as markets across the world in this industry become more liberalized and open, e. g. total market size increases, advertising spending of surviving firms also increased. Matraves uses Grabowski and Vernon’s industry studies of the pharmaceutical industry in her paper, which reject Bain’s â€Å"Advertisement as persuasion-view†, but support the Stigler view â€Å"Advertisement as information†. Grabowski and Vernon found that high advertisement-sales ratios did not act as an effective barrier to entry. Geroski and Murfin (1991) observed a different relationship between advertisement and entry. The two researchers found that in the UK car industry falling concentration and increasing imports lead to an increase in advertisement intensity. They conclude their findings in saying that advertising facilitates entry to the extent that an entrant can account for a large share of total industry advertising. However, they note that it is very costly to acquire this large share of advertising. Fiona M. Scott Morton, also studied the Pharmaceutical Industry, but only looking at the U. S. (1998). Fiona looked at the entry decisions generic pharmaceutical manufacturers face when they look at markets which have been opened by patent expiration to competition. She confirms the findings of Grabowski and Vernon (1992) stating that advertising is exogenous to entry decisions. She finds some evidence that brands may affect generic entry very slightly by advertising before patent expiration, but both effects are â€Å"nearly insignificant†. Fiona concludes her paper stating that â€Å"brand advertising is not a barrier to entry by generic firms into the US pharmaceutical market†. Conclusion We have seen two models in this essay, Bain’s â€Å"Advertising as persuasion-view† and Stigler’s â€Å"Advertising as information-view†. The models outlined show how the different views shared on the purposes and effects of advertisement yield different outcomes on concentration and market entry. Persuasive advertising causing high brand loyalty forces potential new entrants to either outspend the incumbent for advertisement expenditure or to offer high price cuts. These constitute in substantial barriers to entry. Stigler’s â€Å"Advertising as information-view† sees advertisement as a barrier to entry mainly in the long term, as companies selling products at the best price for the best quality to well-informed consumers, expand and benefit from economies of scale. However, empirical research shows that in the majority of industries, advertising does not constitute in a barrier to entry. Bibliography: Joe Bain: â€Å"Relation of Profit Rate to Industry Concentration: American manufacturing, 1936-40†³, 1951, Quarterly Journal of Economics; Barriers to New Competition†, 1956, Harvard University Press; Industrial Organization, 1968 Grabowski, H. G. and J. M. Vernon, â€Å"Brand loyalty, Entry, and Price Competition in Pharmaceuticals after the 1984 Drug Act†, Journal of Law and Economics, vol35, Pages 331-345 Catherine Matraves: â€Å"Market structure, R&D, and Advertising in the Pharmaceutical Industry, The Journal of Industrial Economics, Pages 175-177

Monday, July 29, 2019

Accounting Environment Essay

Learning Outcomes At the end of this chapter the students should be able to: ?Explain the meaning and purpose of accounting ?Describe the role of accounting as a information system ? Describe why accounting is considered as the language of business ? Assess the impact of external environmental factors on accounting Introduction Accounting has evolved and emerged as most other fields of human activity in response to the social and economic needs of society. Today accounting is moving away from its traditional procedural base, encompassing record keeping and related activities towards the adoption of a role which emphasizes its social importance. In this context, this introductory chapter of the course manual deals with the definition of accounting, use of accounting as an information system and the language of business, users of accounting information and the impact of external environment on accounting. Definition of Accounting The question what is meant by accounting has not been answered precisely. Instead there are many definitions on accounting. Some of these definitions are considered in this section to identify the purpose and functions of accounting. The Committee on Terminology of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) formulated the following definition on accounting in 1941. Accounting is the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of a financial character, and interpreting the results thereof. This definition of AICPA, USA has been quoted for many years. However, it defines accounting only from the point of view of what it does. Hence, it does not clearly establish the purpose of accounting. On the other hand, the following definition provided by the American Accounting Association (AAA) in 1961 emphasizes the broader perspective of accounting. This definition focuses on accounting as an aid to decision-making. Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgements and decisions by users of the information. In 1970, AICPA of USA provided the following definition on accounting with reference to the concept of information. The term ‘quantitative information’ used in this definition is wider in scope than financial or economic information used in previous definitions. Accounting is a service activity. Its function is to provide quantitative information primarily financial in nature about economic activities that is intended to be useful in making economic decisions. Both definitions of AAA and AICPA show that accounting is considered not merely with record keeping. Instead it involves with a whole range of activities. These two definitions emphasize on using accounting information for decision making purposes. Both internal parties of an organization (e. g. managers) and outside parties (e. g. owners, creditors, government) use accounting information in making decisions that affect the organization. Although these definitions have looked at accounting from different perspectives, they have been able to set the boundary of accounting. They have established the nature of accounting and the purpose for which it is used. Hence, based on these definitions, it can be said that accounting is primarily concerned with the provision of information to various stakeholders of an organization to be used in decision making. Accounting as an Information System AAA definition on accounting implies two phases: (1) identifying and measuring economic information and (2) communicating economic information to users (stakeholders of an organisation) for decision making purposes. These two phases show that accounting acts as an information system in an organisation. The accounting process involves recoding and processing of transactions and events of an entity that had occurred during a specific period of time, and communicating the information relevant to processed transactions and events to aid decision-making of various users of accounting information. As an information system, accounting links an information source or transmitter (preparer/s of information), a channel of communication (financial and other statements/reports) and a set of receivers (users of information/stakeholders of an organization). The Figure 1 shows how accounting functions as an information system in business and economic decisions. In the accounting system, transactions and events are the input and the statements of reports given to decision-makers are the output. Figure 1 Accounting as an Information System in Business and Economic Decisions Data Source: Lal, J. (2005), Corporate Financial Reporting: Theory and Practice, second edition, Taxmann Allied Services (Pvt) Ltd, New Delhi. Accounting as the Language of Business Accounting is often called the language of business because it is considered as the main mean of communicating information about a business. This reference to accounting as the language of business is observed by Ijiri (1975) as follows: As the language of business, accounting has many things in common with other languages. The various business activities of a firm are reported in accounting statements using accounting language, just as reported news events are reported in newspapers, in the English Language. To express an event in accounting or in English we must follow certain rules. Without following certain rules diligently, not only does one run the risk of being misunderstood but also risks a penalty for misinterpretation, lying or perjury. Comparability of statements is essential to the effective functioning of a language whether it is in English or in Accounting. At the same time, language has to be flexible to adapt to a changing environment. A language broadly has two components: symbols and rules. In accounting too, these two components are available. In accounting, numerals and words, and debits and credits are accepted symbols and they are unique to the accounting discipline. The rules in accounting refer to the general set of procedures followed in creating financial information for an entity. Anthony and Reece (1991) draw a parallel between accounting and language as follows. Accounting resembles a language in that some of its rules are definite whereas others are not. Accountants differ as to how a given event should be reported, just as grammarians differ as to many matters of sentence structure, punctuation and choice of words. Nevertheless, just as many practices are clearly poor English (language), many practices are definitely poor accounting. Languages evolve and change in response to the changing needs of society, and so does accounting. Users of Accounting Information There is an array of users (or stakeholders) who make use of accounting information for decision making. These user groups include present and otential investors, managers, employees, lenders, suppliers, customers, analysts, media, government, and the general public. However, with the broadening of the accountability of organizations, they are accountable to a large group of stakeholders, some of them not clearly known or identified by the organizations. These users can be broadly categorized as internal and external users of accounting information. The term ‘internal u sers’ refers to parties within an organization that make decisions directly affecting its internal operations and this category usually includes managers and employees of an entity. All other users can be grouped under the term ‘external users’, which refer to parties outside the organization that make decisions concerning their relationship to the organization. These two major classifications of users have led to a distinction between two main areas of accounting: financial accounting and management accounting. The primary concern of financial accounting is to provide information to external user groups. On the other hand, the management accounting is primarily concerned with the provision of information to internal user groups. These users have diverse information needs. However, among these diverse needs too, there are common information needs. The financial statements of an entity that provide information about its financial performance, financial position, and changes in financial position address these information needs common to all users. As these financial statements are prepared to meet the information needs of a cross-section of users, they are known as common-purpose (general-purpose) financial statements. However, these financial statements do not provide all the information that users need to make decisions since they largely portray the financial effects of past transactions and events. The responsibility to prepare and present financial statements lies with the management of an entity. As general-purpose financial statements meet the information needs of users who are unable to command the preparation of financial reports of an entity, the government has imposed regulations to govern these financial statements. These regulations are intended to protect the public interest. External Environmental Factors influencing Accounting The pace and change in external environmental factors have a profound influence on business organizations and the way in which they are managed. These factors could be social, economic, political, legal or technological. Accounting, as the language of business and its information system is also affected by these changes. The changing conditions in the external environment have confronted accounting with a number of challenges that should be recognized, accepted and addressed to ensure its relevance and usefulness. This has made accounting to change and grow over the years to meet social requirements and to guide business and industry requirements. Thus, understanding accounting requires understanding the environment within which accounting operates and which it is intended to reflect. The society has been subjected to political, social, economic and technological change. These changes have resulted in globalization, the rise of informed and selective customers, the development of information technology and etc. These changes in the external environment factors are reflected in business organizations through the shift in business types and cost profiles, increase in strategic decision making and greater emphasis on survival. The changing conditions within business organizations lead accounting to change in order to meet the new requirements resulted from these changes. The areas requiring changes in accounting include selection of data, information processing, dissemination of information, role of accounting standards, assumptions and perspectives of accounting, and uses and impact of accounting information. Thus, today’s rapidly changing environment is forcing accounting to reassess its role and function both within the organization and society. Although challenges imposed by different environmental factors on accounting could be discussed separately, they should be viewed from a holistic perspective. This is because the power of potential improvement lies in the cohesion of the changes rather than in individual items. The changing conditions in the business environment will shape the future for accounting. The environment within which business and accounting function operate has become increasing complex. One of its characteristic features is that many social, economic, political, legal and technological influences that create continual change in that environment and these in turn impact on accounting and its product, accounting information. However, it is sometimes criticized that accounting has not been able to keep pace with this changing conditions in the external environment. Summary This chapter provides an overview of accounting based on its nature and purpose, users of accounting information and impact of external environment on accounting. The primary objective of accounting is to provide information that can be used by the stakeholders of an organization (users of accounting information) in making their decisions. These decisions could have a bearing on the resource allocation process in the country and thereby on the economic growth and development of the country. However, the role and functions of accounting cannot be considered in isolation from the social-political-economic context within which it is operating. The rapidly changing external environment is posing many challenges to accounting and it needs to adapt to these changing conditions. This requires a continual process of renewal and improvement in accounting. References American Accounting Association (1966), A Statement of Basic Accounting Theory, AAA. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) (1941), Review and Resume, Accounting Terminology Bulletin, No. . American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) (1970), Basic Concepts and Accounting Principles underlying Financial Statements of Business Enterprises, Accounting Principles Board Statement No. 4, Anthony, R. N. and Reece, J. S. (1991), Accounting Principles, Richard D Irwin. Ijiri, Y. (1975), Theory of Accounting Measurement, Research Report, No. 10, AAA. Lal, J. (2005), Corporate Financial Report ing: Theory and Practice, second edition, Taxmann Allied Services (Pvt) Ltd, New Delhi.

The Future of Life satirical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Future of Life satirical analysis - Essay Example He provides a number of street names for such environmentalists. He further uses simple questions, colloquial expressions, and real life yet simplistic examples that enhance the understanding of the text. By doing this, the author makes the article vivid thereby easily to contextualize. The same is the case in the second text in which he criticizes the government and powerful corporates for disregarding the environment. Wilson uses satire in defining basic features of the text. He, for example, defines public trust as a strong military power for the anti-environmentalists and immense subsidies for loggers and rancher. He further defines conservation as understand by the anti-environmentalists as planting trees along golf courses and stocking trout streams (Wilson 32). Such satirical examples help portray the extent of the lack of concerns such individuals show. He further cites global environmental conferences that have often made no resolutions to prove his points. The authors ability to communicate effectively to two opposing audiences is an exemplary portrayal of the success in the use of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Systems assignment. Implementing ERP at RMH and its Essay

Business Systems assignment. Implementing ERP at RMH and its implication - Essay Example This paper will focus on the benefits of ERP to RMH and will explore what are the Critical Success Factors that affect the successful implementation and the approach that RMH needs to follow for ERP transition. RMH’s strategic vision is to provide quality service to all the patients and hence provide patient satisfaction using best processes, skills and attitude of employees. An integrated ERP system is seen as a facilitator of the ultimate patient satisfaction due to the various benefits that it is expected to provide the hospital (Yang & Su, 2009, 722). The most prominent benefit of ERP is that it consolidates all processes, all departments and divisions into a central network (Botta-Genoulaz and Millet, 2006,204-210). This consolidation is manifested in terms of better management and controlling function, better ?nancial ?ows control, information ?ows control, increased IT infrastructure capability; and control of ?ow of goods and services (Saatcioglu, 2008, 690-706). For e xample, better management, better information flow and better control of services is initiated when there is online and accessible information available simultaneously at all relevant points as and when needed by RMH and its related medical centres. The ERP system would enable better data management for both the employees and the patients. A patient’s name and previous medical history including lab reports and past medication details to be read by the doctor even before the patient is seen. The doctor can also enter the prescription details directlty into the system from where the pharmacy can have a direct access (Hawkings, 2007, 30). In RMH, for example, the pharmacy would enter the sales into the system that will update the purchase department, from where the automated system apprises the suppliers who would release Just in Time (JIT) deliveries to the hospital (Yang & Su, 2009, ). Another benefit for RMH is that ERP implementation creates a real-time sharing of informatio n within RMH and with its patients and suppliers (Gupta & Kohli, 2006, 687). All the relevant departments and people get the information in real time and hence are able to act quickly, reducing wastages due to time delays or duplications – the doctors know first hand the case history, the pharmacies are more efficient with prescription filling and the suppliers operate in real time. Similarly, in case of scheduling people and equipment, ERP enables the hopital adminisration to view the availability and need across different departments, offices and facilities and hence make optimum use of resources (Yang and Su, 2009, 722-752). All the benefits that ERP facilitate can be presumed to be leading to better patient relationship mamagement (Forslund, 2010, 44-56). The patients receive accurate and efficient service and hence they are better satisfied (Huang, Huang, Wu & Lin, 2009, 1085-1100). It shows that there is a direct impact on the financial management, operations and admini stration of the hospital. The data is complete, accessible and leads to reduced workload, low inventories better quality decision making all across the hospitals (Gattiker and Goodhue, 2005, 561-587). In the case of RMH, the benefits are expected to extend to its external facilities and London office as well. The time different between the two countries makes the traditional postal mail

Saturday, July 27, 2019

History - Week five Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History - Week five - Essay Example He currently teaches journalism and United States foreign policy at Northwestern University. Kinzer has written several non-fiction books about Turkey, Central America, Iran, the US overthrow of foreign governments from the late 19th century to the present and, most recently, about Rwandas recovery from genocide. He has spoken out widely against a potential U.S. attack on Iran, warning that it would destroy the pro-US sentiment that has become widespread among the Iranian populace under the repressive Islamic regime.† (Wikipedia, August 11, 2008). The book is all about the quest of the United States to conquer more and more countries and to make a dominant name for itself in the world. The United States deployed many strong arms tactics to fulfill their aim of being the ultimate power in the world. This era saw a revolution in the tactics applied by the United States, they starting spreading democracy and at the same time started building up a strong army and an equally strong navy base, another significant change was the Americans brought foreign governments under there control during this era. The most dreadful villain in the book is John Foster Dulles; he was a lawyer and took care of the foreign capital of the countries which surrendered themselves to the policies of the United States. â€Å"Dulles was Eisenhowers secretary of state and his brother Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA -- a nefarious partnership that colluded together with unchecked unanimity.† (Swans, n, a). The book tells about the people who took ma tters in their own hands to topple foreign governments. The author talks about the three eras in the book namely, the imperial era. This saw countries Cuba, Puerto Rico and a few others come under the control of the United States. The second is the cold war era which saw United States employ strict rules on the countries like Iraq, Chile etc. The book explains why United

Friday, July 26, 2019

DBDQ1 Convertible Bonds and DQ2 Market Value of Stock Essay

DBDQ1 Convertible Bonds and DQ2 Market Value of Stock - Essay Example The bondholder of a convertible bond benefits from the conversion of a bond into equity when the prices of the common stocks in the market are higher than the principal. DQ2 The stock market is used by investors and businesses to buy and sell common stocks of corporations. The prices of a stock are influenced by a variety of factors. The economy affects the prices of common stocks. When the economy is doing badly the prices of common stocks go down. Another factor that affects the price of a stock is the financial performance of a company. A solid financial performance reflected in the financial statements of the company can help increase the value of a stock. A third factor that affects the price of a specific stock is the market. The market risk is measured by the Beta coefficient (Besley & Brigham, 2002). Out of these three factors the only factor that the firm can control is the financial performance of the firm. I consider the financial performance of the firm the most important factor. References Besley & Brigham (2000). Essential of Managerial Finance (12th ed.). Forth Worth: The Dryden Press. (2011). Convertible Bond. Retrieved May 15, 2011 from

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Face Of Our Time Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Face Of Our Time - Research Paper Example Similarly, Muholi portrays visually, the identity of the black people that are mostly segregated in her home country - South Africa. Aue Sobol gives a combination of observations that are experienced by hunting culture of the rural community in the Arctic Village with portraits that show intimacy of Sabine, his girlfriend. Finally, Misrach give pictures of the graffiti that were left behind immediately after the Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. This paper is going to highlight the common interests that the five photographers had in depicting the actual look of the global happenings and phenomena, as well as what instructed and resonated me. The photographs paint the real picture of the world as it is. The photographs showing situation as it is. The exhibition â€Å"Face of Our Time† is introduced by neatly done picture of an African woman staring at the photographer while her lips are pursed seems to be upset. Her eyes are not clearly seen since they are under some shade, hen ce making it almost impossible to clearly figure out her actual state, or even her real self. However, her mode of living is overtly written on her photograph â€Å"I am a whore† (Curiel). ... It is imperative to note that the photographs are of real people of the world who are in dire need of help. Furthermore, the photographers have mixed feelings about their own photographs. Surprisingly, these photographers are always perturbed by the situation around the globe and they normally take these pictures in order to enlighten the world about certain conditions. The photographers have premonitions that they go against other people’s rights when they take such pictures. Therefore, they tend to think it is not a good idea to photograph volatile political and economic situations. For instance, Goldberg remarks that he is frightened to take pictures because he tends to feel that he is violating people’s rights. He informed the various individuals who came to hear him during the SFOMOMA exhibition that he is afraid to go into the world to take pictures (Curiel). He covers long distances to Africa from San Francisco and actively allows his subjects to participate in h is work by giving them opportunities to write on his otherwise Polaroid pictures. Notably, Goldberg took photographs of the prostitute and a Senegalese farmer who aspired to illegally migrate to Europe due to adverse economic situation in Senegal. The farmer did not get the opportunity to travel to Europe for better economic situation; he ended up landing in Libya and worked as a forced laborer. The photograph depicts a farmer herding his flock in a street full of garbage in Senegal. His experiences are narrated in the horizon. However, even though Goldberg thinks he violates other people’s rights, these people he photographed autographed his pictures, thus showing they allowed

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analysis and synthesis essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis and synthesis - Essay Example In summary it described Facebook, presented Facebook users’ dislike on Facebook’s new design, mentioned Facebook’s financial challenges and Facebook users’ love-hate relationship with Facebook. The article does not end there, it also has advises on how to properly use the site. One advice given was to take advantage of privacy settings to manage networks in order for them to speak discreetly to certain friends, such as family, close friends, co-workers as opposed to other ‘friends’ such as bosses or professional colleagues. Barton told the an amusing story wherein an employee was fired due to his obscene status message regarding to his disappointment in his work which the boss has read because he is his ‘friend’ in facebook. The virtual world article on the other hand was brilliant in that if one missed to read the title she would have understood it as real life drama. Unlike the Facebook article which was very straightforward, the author took on a different approach. At first, it narrated a story of two avatars that were married and had a property together. The amusing thing was that it was slightly exaggerated though on a healthy level wherein it is entertaining to the readers. The story built up the more serious issue tackled by the paper- access and control. It compared the case of one real person having real, tangible property to some virtual one who has virtual property. The former is protected by law, specifically, property rights. The later on the other hand have the mediation of the network of software and the owner of the virtual environment who has interests to protect as well. It gave examples of real life people who encountered problems regarding accounts (Email, social networking sites and gaming accounts) of their family, close friend or even virtual partners who passed away. It went on to citing the companies’ good reasons in

Food Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Food Day - Essay Example This was an effect or evidence that I was actively listening. During the preparation and at the event, we worked in a team. For example, our team composed Libby, Katie and I. Libby led the team most time and working together, we followed, monitored the progress, and met deadlines throughout the pre and post event activities. The events of the Food Day enlightened me on my profession. From the event, I have understood many facts and perspectives regarding human nutrition. It was very exciting when people inquired about economical and be environment friendly. Additionally, I realized that people are ever interested to learn things regarding living healthy and economically sound or viable. It was my first time address a public gathering. However, at the beginning, it seemed difficult, but after a while I got used to it and I loved this experience. At the end, I was very happy with confident and composure I learnt from this experience. Yes, my efforts made a different both to the occasion and my life experience. For example, most of the attendances were interested in our teams and inquired more about our stuff and how they can obtain it. In addition, I felt most of them were very interested on our displays and they wanted us to information more on how they can save more. I liked the samples we displayed on our information table because it helped us to provide accurate information. Furthermore, I liked our handout because it had simple and easy information. Lastly, I liked how we organized our table; we divided it in two sides. On one side, we placed the green sample and the other side there was the bottle water, Ziploc bag, coffee cup, and plastic bag. I would add more examples of green samples and have a calculator to let them calculate the difference prices of the green samples and the other stuff. The calculation would have help them know how and how much to save. All

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Who deserves what kind of education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Who deserves what kind of education - Essay Example These inequivalences have never been explained to this day. Sato and Lensmire (2009) state that underprivileged (poverty-stricken) children are usually stereotyped as inferior students in that their conditions may hinder their learning and they are termed as less-worthy learners. This should not be the case and that is why teachers are today being trained to cater for children of all social classes. The strategies applied include treating all learners as equal, bridging school and home experiences, and connecting between lived sociocultural realities and academic abstractions. Collectively, the idea here is to provide the best (and normal) education to everyone regardless of their social class. Jean Anyon conducted a research on students in five elementary schools to tell whether there was a relationship between social class and the type and level of literacy attained at school. Five elementary schools were evaluated, each set in contrasting social class communities. According to the findings, it was revealed that depending on a school’s social class, the children differed with regards to their symbolic and physical capital, the process of work, and finally, authority (Anyon, 1981). This revelation, therefore suggested the need to maintain uniformity in education (literacy) settings to prevent this bias. Finally, education has been defined by many scholars as a â€Å"banking† process in that learners are taught through narration. This means that they ingest whatever the teacher (banker) provides them without any thinking process involved. According to Freire (1970), such education minimizes the learner’s creative and problem-solving power. In its place, Freire recommends problem-posing education which is more engaging in that the learner is taught how to solve a problem but they are not filled with the solutions. Concisely, this type of education is better at unveiling or

Monday, July 22, 2019

Evaluating Strategic Management Essay Example for Free

Evaluating Strategic Management Essay The strategic management process result in decision that can have significant, long lasting consequences. In many organizations, strategy evaluation is simply an appraisal of how well an organization has performed. Strategy evaluation includes three basic activities: 1. Examining the underlying bases of firm strategy 2. Comparing expected result with actual result 3. Taking corrective action to ensure that performance conform to plan. Strategy evaluation is becoming increasingly difficult with the passage of time, for many reasons. domestic And world economies were more stable in years past, product life cycles were longer, product development cycles were longer, technological advancement was slower, change occurred less frequently, there were fewer competitors, foreign companies were weak, and there were more regulated industries. Other reasons why strategy evaluation is more difficult today include the following trends: 1. A dramatic increase in the environment ‘s complexity 2. The increasing difficulty of predicting the future with accuracy 3. The increasing number of variables 4. The rapid rate of obsolescence of even the best plans 5. The increase in the number of both domestic and world events affecting organizations 6. The decreasing time span for which planning can be done with any degree of certainty Four Criteria (Richard Rummelt in evaluating strategic management: †¢ Consistency Strategy should not present inconsistent goals and policies. Conflict and interdepartmental bickering symptomatic of managerial disorder and strategic inconsistency †¢ Consonance Need for strategies to examine sets of trends †¢ Adaptive response to external environment †¢ Trends are results of interactions among other trends †¢ Feasibility Neither overtax resources or create unsolvable sub problems †¢ Organizations must demonstrate the abilities, competencies, skills and talents to carry out a given strategy †¢ Advantage Creation or maintenance of competitive advantage †¢ Superiority in resources, skills, or position Nowadays, the strategy evaluation is become difficult because adjusting with the trends happened. There are some reasons for it: 1. Increase in environment’s complexity 2. Difficulty predicting future with accuracy 3. Increasing number of variables 4. Rate of obsolescence of plans 5. Domestic and global events 6. Decreasing time span for planning certainty a.Reviewing Bases of Strategy – Develop revised EFE Matrix – Develop revised IFE Matrix Review effectiveness of strategy is important to evaluate how far these strategy matches with our goals, the way are: 1. Competitors’ reaction to strategy 2. Competitors’ change in strategy 3. Competitors’ changes in strengths and weaknesses 4. Reasons for competitors’ strategic change 5. Reasons for competitors’ successful strategies 6. Competitors’ present market positions and profitability 7. Potential for competitor retaliation 8. Potential for cooperation with competitors b.Measuring Organizational Performance †¢ Comparing expected to actual results †¢ Investigating deviations from plan †¢ Evaluating individual performance †¢ Progress toward stated objectives

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Introduction of gatorade company

Introduction of gatorade company Abstract In this term paper I first give introduction of Gatorade Company and then its expansion into international market. The political, economic, social, technological, ecological and legal (PESTEL) environments of the company in India and Porters 5 forces model is also being discussed in this term paper. It also defines the opportunities in international market for Gatorades products, its market selection decision, pricing approaches of Gatorade product for Indian market. Introduction Gatorade is a brand of flavored non-carbonated sports drinks manufactured by the Quaker Oats Company, now a division of PepsiCo. Intended for consumption during physically active occasions, Gatorade beverages are formulated to rehydrate and replenish fluid, carbohydrates and electrolytes. Gatorade started in the summer of 1965 with the realization that the Florida Gators football players could not make it through practice without struggling. Many players reported being dehydrated and playing sluggish during team drills. So the physicians got together and determined what exactly the problem was. The athletics suffered from a back lack of electrolytes and carbohydrates, which was not being replenished with just water. The group of four physicians blended a drink that had perfect balance of carbohydrates and electrolytes. The drink would prove to help the Gator football team perform better on the field, so naturally they called the drink Gatorade. What happened next was rather remarkable because then players started performing better. They finished with a record of 7-4 that season and the next seasons they finished with a record of 9-2, winning the orange bowl for the first time in school history. Eventually, the drink moved into the professional leagues and the first team to adopt it was the Kansas City Chiefs. The chief has trouble practicing in the stifling heat of Missouris summer afternoons and they kept it on the side-lines the whole year. It resulted in the chiefs beating the heavily favoured Minnesota Vikings in super bowl sixth. Soon it become popular to have Gatorade on the side-lines and it started the sports drink category. By 1965, Gatorade had expanded its research in sports science by building the Gatorade sports science institute. The institute allows them to better understand the human body, its needs during the stress of competition and how to improve their products. Gatorade is the official sports drink of the National Football League Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, Womens National Basketball Association, USA Basketball, National Hockey League, Association of Volleyball Professionals, US Soccer Federation, Major League Soccer, and many other pro or collegiate organizations, providing supplies of the drinks to the teams in all flavors available. Gatorade extended their market to the U.K., in 2008, and promoted this, in part, by becoming the sports drink provider for Chelsea F.C. Composition The original Gatorade contained water, sucrose (table sugar) and glucose-fructose syrups, citric acid, fish oil, sodium chloride (table salt), sodium citrate, monopotassium phosphate, and flavoring/coloring ingredients; some Gatorade flavorings use brominated vegetable oil as a stabilizer. Gatorade Thirst Quencher meets the Food and Drug Administrations definition of a low sodium product. Gatorade is available in a variety of flavors, including the original Lemon-Lime, Grape, Orange, and Fruit punch. In the past decade, several new formulations of Gatorade, including Rain, AM, Fierce and X-Factor, have been introduced with each only being minor tweaks of the original 1965 formula. Gatorade revealed the Gatorade line Energy Bar in 1999. This energy bar was Gatorades first foray into solid foods and was introduced to compete with PowerBar and Clif Bar. Gatorade Energy Bars contain a large proportion of protein, in addition to its carbohydrates. The bar is mainly made up of puffed grains and corn syrup, common components of other energy bars. Gatorades Products Original Gatorade Thirst Quencher Gatorade Fierce Gatorade Frost Gatorade Xtremo Gatorade Nutrition Shake Gatorade Energy Drink Gatorade Energy Bar Propel Fitness Water Propel is a lightly flavored water with essential vitamins and just 10 calories. Available in four natural flavors including Lemon, Berry, Black Cherry and Orange, Propel is currently the market leader in the rapidly growing fitness water category. PEST Analysis of Gatorade Company Political analysis for Gatorade: The government plays a role within the operation of manufacturing these products in terms of regulations. There are potential fines set by the government on companies if they do not meet a standard of laws. The following are some of the factors that could cause Gatorade companys actual results to differ materially from the expected results described in their underlying companys forward statement:- Changes in laws and regulations, including changes in accounting standards, taxation requirements, (including tax rate changes, new tax laws and revised tax law interpretations) and environmental laws in domestic or foreign jurisdictions. Changes in the non-alcoholic business environment. These include, without limitation, competitive product and pricing pressures and their ability to gain or maintain share of sales in the global market as a result of action by competitors. Political conditions, especially in international markets, including civil unrest, government changes and restrictions on the ability to transfer capital across borders. Their ability to penetrate developing and emerging markets, which also depends on economic and political conditions, and how well they are able to acquire or form strategic business alliances with local bottlers and make necessary infrastructure enhancements to production facilities, distribution networks, sales equipment and technology. Economic analysis for Gatorade: The economic stability in the target market facilitates an international marketers task. For example a recession creating increased activity at the lower ends of product price ranges. Rate of interest raises depressing business and causing redundancies and lower spending levels. Economic environment of India affects the international marketing decisions of Gatorade greatly. The economic conditions of a country such as the state of foreign exchange reserves and inflationary conditions also affect the openness of a countrys trade policies. In the recent years, the opening up of the Indian market has paved the way for import and distribution of consumer goods. However, it has put pressure on domestic firms to compete with international brands such as Gatorade, PowerAde etc. Social Analysis for Gatorade: Social change involves changing attitudes and lifestyles. Many Indian citizens are practicing healthier lifestyles. This has affected the non-alcoholic beverage industry in that many are switching to bottled water and diet sports drink instead of beer and other alcoholic beverages. The need for bottled water and other more convenient and healthy products (Gatorade sports drink) are in important in the average day-to-day life. Consumers from the ages of 37 to 55 are also increasingly concerned with nutrition. There is a large population of the age range known as the baby boomers. Since many are reaching an older age in life they are becoming more concerned with increasing their longevity. This will continue to affect the non-alcoholic beverage industry by increasing the demand overall and in the healthier beverages. Technological Analysis for Gatorade: The effectiveness of Gatorade Companys advertising, marketing and promotional programs are the factors which cause company actual result. They make some products look attractive. This helps in selling of the products. This advertising makes the product attractive. This technology is being used in media to sell their products. Introduction of cans and plastic bottles have increased sales for Gatorade as these are easier to carry and you can bind them once they are used. As the technology is getting advanced there has been introduction of new machineries all the time. Due to introduction of this machineries the production of the Gatorade company has increased tremendously then it was few years ago. Porters 5 forces model for Gatorade Company Rivalry among competitors: There is high competition for Gatorade Company because other Sports drink companies are also there which are providing the same tough competition to Gatorade. Rivalry is increasing, as the market decreases, and competitors downsize, the competitors become more or less equal in size and capacity. This means that as economic conditions worsen, competitors downsize and then compete for the same remaining market. Threats of new entry: The threat of new entrants is high in the Sports drink industry because many other companies are also coming in the same market in order to provide cut through competition to Gatorade. Threats of substitutes: Threats of substitutes is very high because many other forms of soft drinks are available in the market which is doing the same work as that of the Gatorade. Bargaining power of Buyers: The bargaining power of buyers is very high because many other sports drinks are also available in the market such as PowerAde so buyer if not satisfied with the product can switch to other companies products. Bargaining power of suppliers: The suppliers power is low for Gatorade Company because other player such as PowerAde of Coca Cola are also present in the market so the suppliers cannot charge high cost by the customers than its competitors. Current Products G Series and Elite Series In early 2010, Gatorade announced its latest marketing campaign, promoting its products as the G Series. Gatorade describes the G Series as a three-part regimen designed to fuel every step of its consumers athletic performance. The first part, Prime, includes a pre-game fuel with B vitamins, carbohydrates, and electrolytes to be taken before athletic performance. G Prime is described as coming soon on the companys website. The second part of the series, Perform, includes traditional Gatorade products such as Gatorade G, G2, and Gatorade powder. The third part of G Series, Recover, is described as the worlds first rehydrating protein drink and is designed for consumption immediately following athletic activity. In addition to the G Series, Gatorade also maintains a line of products called the Elite Series designed for serious athletes. Similar to the G Series, the Elite Series includes products for before, during, and after workouts, as well as All Day nutrition shakes. G2: Off the Field Hydration, Otherwise known as Gatorade 2 (G2), is a low-calorie electrolyte beverage that was launched in late 2007; G2 is currently available in six flavors: Orange, Fruit Punch, Lemon-Lime, Strawberry Kiwi, Blueberry-Pomegranate, and Grape. It is also labeled as a healthy choice beverage. It was the top new food product of 2008, generating the sales of $159.1 million. 2009 Rebranding In 2009, Gatorade began a massive rebranding, resulting in new names for most of their products; however, some products only had name changes: Original Gatorade was relabeled as Gatorade G Gatorade Rain was relabeled as No Excuses Other products were reformulated as well: Gatorade AM was relabeled Shine On, which now contains the addition of 20% RDV of Vitamin C per 8-oz. serving. Gatorade X-Factor was relabeled as Be Tough, which now contains the addition of 20% RDV of Vitamin E per 8-oz. serving. Gatorade Fierce was relabeled Bring It, which now contains the addition of 25% RDV of several B vitamins, including B3, B5 and B6. G2, which was not renamed, now contains the same added B vitamins as Bring It. G2s label was further redesigned at the end of 2009, giving it a silver label and a new slogan: Â ½ the Calories, All the G. Former Products Gator Gum In the late 1970s and early 1980s (as well as the late 90s to early 2000s), Gatorade sold a brand of chewing gum called Gator Gum. The product, manufactured by Fleer Corporation, was available in both of Gatorades original flavors (lemon-lime and orange) and was rather sour-tasting by normal chewing gum standards. In the late 1970s, Stokley-Van Camp (owner of Gatorade prior to 1983) negotiated a long-term licensing deal, with Swell and Vicks, to market Gator Gum. T he gum, which had no functionality or ingredients of Gatorade Thirst Quencher, was discontinued in 1989 after the contract expired. Mueller Sports, in Wisconsin, manufactures a gum called Quench; it is based on Gator Gum but is not the same as what Stokley-Van Camp created. Gator Gums foil packaging advertised that the product Helps Quench Thirst. However, like all chewing gums, the product would not actually rehydrate the body on its own but would, instead, only give the feeling of a wet mouth. However, it did contain electrolytes to assist the human body with the rehydration process. Competition of Gatorade with PowerAde Gatorades main competitive brand is POWERade, made by the Coca-Cola Company. PowerAde is the main competitor for Gatorade, others like all sport exist, but they do not present a challenge to Gatorade. The brand of PowerAde has essentially the same target market as Gatorade: 18-24 year old males who are engaged in athletics. However, PowerAde appears to be looking for the trendier types of consumers. Based upon their company website design, it seems as through PowerAde is trying to offer the attributes of having the cooler drink. PowerAde has a very interactive website compared to Gatorade, one can choose from 8 different varieties of musical beats that represent each unique flavour. The website also allows individuals who are visiting the site to put up their own thoughts about PowerAde. PowerAde does not have a good target market perception; they are considered a second place to Gatorade, PowerAde does not have the same quality of winning athletics that Gatorade has. They also lack scientific research behind their product without a research institute. The future for competition against Gatorade seems bleak. Gatorade owns the sports drink category and much can be done to stop them. Segmentation, Targeting Positioning Demographics The demographics of the Gatorade target market are active males, aged 18-25. They can be students, just starting their career, or well established, regardless of status the majority of them believe they are athletics. They grew up idolizing many different sports athletics and teams, which still have an influence. They make very wide variety of incomes because Gatorade is inexpensive. Education could vary also, most have at least high school level education and some have college experience. Their attitudes can vary a little, but most of them are competitive, care about sports and enjoy their perspective athletics endeavours. These types of consumers may also be interested in other sport-related clothing and accessories. They may be interested in items such as jerseys, hats, shoes or anything that will show off their allegiance to a team, sport or player. Advertisement TARGET MARKET: Athletes CURRENT SLOGAN: Is it in you? TYPES of ADS: commercials, web site, print, sponsorship, partnerships, promotion, etc. Endorsements Gatorade scored a slam dunk in 1991 when it tabbed Jordan to become its first athlete endorser. Although the sports drink brand already dominated store shelves, millions of people still have the Be like Mike jingle stuck in their head so many years later. Other Endorsers include, Mia Hamm Derek Jeter Vince Carter Peyton Manning Yao Ming Positioning of Gatorade Positioning is making unique identity in the mind of the prospective customers. Sports being Gatorades biggest focus, they brand themselves as the best sports drink for an athletics trying to reach their peak performance. They have done this through source credibility, by gathering a group of athletics like Peyton Manning, Dwyane Wade, Derek Jeter, Kevin Garnett and Michael Jordan. All of these athletics are memorable and influential to kids and adults, but Jordan has the most impact. Recent Programs Defeat the Heat Campaign to protect kids from heat illness After a 10 year old boy collapsed on a sports field, he and his mom helped initiate Defeat the Heat which was sponsored by Gatorade, National Athletic Trainers Assoc., and SAFE KIDS. This program teaches kids the importance of staying hydrated while playing sports. Gatorade loves Racing Gatorade has become a huge influence on NASCAR racing by becoming a huge sponsor. They introduced the G.I.D.S. (Gatorade In-Car Drinking System) to give drivers fluids during long races. Makes getting fluids easier Gatorade is able to advertise heavier now during a sporting event that has a huge fan base that increases every year. Expansion Strategies of Gatorade in India Diversification Strategy: Gatorade as US Company will use Diversification strategy in India because it is new product for Indian customers and the market is also new for Gatorade. So for the growth of the product in the new market in order to make people aware of the Gatorade products for increasing market share diversification strategy will be used by Gatorade company. Under the direction of the Quaker Oats company, Gatorades distribution was increased and new flavours have been added. This also included an advertising and promotion campaign held in conjunction with the NBA (National Basketball Association) Championship. Pricing Strategies for Gatorade in India Skimming Pricing: Selling a product at a high price, sacrificing high sales to gain a high profit, therefore skimming the market. Gatorade use skimming pricing strategy in India as they have targeted mostly athletic so they can charge high because of their new product in the Indian market as a division of PepsiCo Company. So skimming pricing strategy can be used by Gatorade Company for Indian market. Competition based pricing: Setting the price based upon prices of the similar competitor products. Competitive pricing is based on three types of competitive product: Products have lasting distinctiveness from competitors product. Here we can assume The product has low price elasticity The product has low cross elasticity The demand of the product will rise Products have perishable distinctiveness from competitors product, assuming the product features are medium distinctiveness. Products have little distinctiveness from competitors product. assuming that: The product has high price elasticity The product has some cross elasticity No expectation that demand of the product will rise Gatorade is priced slightly lower than its main competition, PowerAde. PepsiCo keeps very close control over the pricing of its products, ensuring that every channel member makes a profit. Product promotion for Gatorade is focused in three areas, media advertising, event sponsorship, and contests. The main competitor for Gatorade is the Coca-Cola product, PowerAde. Currently Gatorade seems to have the upper hand because it is experiencing sales growth while PowerAde is not expecting any growth. Gatorade keeps its competitive edge through product innovation. Current Trends Despite aggressive competition, Gatorade was able to maintain its market share in 1997 and make further inroads into foreign markets. The company cited the addition of new flavours in addition to packaging changes, promotions, and scrutinized distribution. Among these were the Cherry Rush, Strawberry Kiwi, and Mmmmandarina flavours, added in 1996. Prior to that, three new flavours, aimed at women athletes, were introduced-Alpine Snow, Glacier Freeze, and White water Splash. Global Presence For many years, Gatorade was primarily a United States phenomenon. In 1992 Quaker Oats decided to distribute the beverage worldwide. The theory was that the drink would be equally successful outside the United States because no other sports beverage because of its distinct scientific formulation and market position is more poised to take advantage of a worldwide opportunity. The company continues to work at expanding distribution beyond the United States, particularly in Latin America and the Pacific Rim countries. More than $20 million was spent on expansion in 1996, resulting in sales of $283 million in more than 45 nations. The number of countries in which the sports drink was sold increased by 10 over the previous year. Worldwide sales increased 19 percent internationally, reflecting growth in both Latin America and Italy. In 1997 international sales climbed 18.7 percent to $335.2 million. By 1998 the company was the worlds leading manufacturer of sports beverages, with Gatorade being sold in 47 countries around the world. The number one sports drink in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Indonesia and the Philippines, Gatorade is also one of the leading sports drink brands in Korea and Sport Drink Gatorade is marketed not merely as a tasty drink, but as a carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage designed to provide rapid rehydration. How does it work? Well, all food and beverages are absorbed by the small intestine, and Gatorade claims that its 6-percent carbohydrate level and small amount of sodium are ideal for rapid fluid absorption. By comparison, beverages with a higher percentage of carbohydrates, such as fruit drinks and soft drinks, are said to slow the absorption rate of fluids. Gatorade points out that the salt and sugar in Gatorade stimulates people to drink more fluid voluntarily. Current Strategy Target Market Athletes Males 18 to 24 Focused on Point of Sweat Getting to Market TV Ads /ESPN Sports Venues cups, coolers, billboards Sports Magazines Limited Radio Sponsored Events Celebrity Endorsements High School Athlete of the Year Current Market Facts Part of PepsiCo Control 80% 90% of Market Share in North America 1.5 Billion dollar brand Competition PowerAde (Coke) Private Label Isotonic Sports Drinks Water View of Future State Create Brand Loyalty Younger generation Increase market share New Market Non-athletes How Do they Attract Youth? Parenting Magazines Emphasize health benefits of the active child Kids Magazines Sports Illustrated for Kids, Seventeen, etc. Internet Pop Ups / Websites Nick Jr., Discovery Kids, Disney TV Ads on Kids Programming Target Youth Endorsements appealing to the younger child Dora the Explorer, Sponge Bob Video game background banners Form strategic partnerships with other companies, Ex. EA Sports Continue celebrity endorsements aimed at pre-teens/teens Derek Jeter Mia Hamm Supporting Facts Current National Trend is to Decrease Childhood Obesity Overweight children 9 million (3x that of 1980) Children dehydrate faster that adults Instill brand recognition at an early age Studies show taste promotes more consumption with kids Attracting a New Market Non-Athletes Home Improvement Contractors Do-It-Yourselfers Construction Workers SWOT Analysis of Gatorade Strengths Gatorade is the market leader in the sport drink category, dominating the main competition of PowerAde. Gatorade has science to back up their product and it is proven to excel and maintain physical performance during competition. It is the field of play in many professional sports, which means not is it on television, but it is also proven to work at the highest level. A wide array of athletes endorses the Gatorade message from virtually every type of sport. Not only are those, but nearly every one of their athletes proven winners which instils additional credibility in the brand. Gatorade has a loyal consumer base and their brand is held in high regard. This gives them flexibility to expend into other products meant to help athletes. Weaknesses There may be too many varieties and flavours of the Gatorade product, which might ultimately, might confuse and annoy customers. Gatorade also does not have an energy drink and do not have lot of potential to make one because it could lead to dehydration. Work needs to be done in these two areas and they can heal the few weaknesses they have. Opportunities If Gatorade can develop a unique blend that would provide additional energy and keep athletes hydrated it would certainly give them an edge. Adding one athlete from the mixed martial arts (MMA) could help them expand quite a bit. Since MMA has recently boomed in the sports world as the new, exciting form of entertainment. They could also add a vitamin-enhanced hydrator to complete with brands like vitamin water that take some of their target market. Gatorade also has some products listed on their website that have some potential like protein shakes, but they are not promoted as much. Threats New energy drinks flavours present a threat to Gatorade because it is also appealing to the target market of 18-24 year old males. The currency economy also has an effect on what people will consider to buy the grocery store. Finally, Gatorade has to worry about their brand plateauing and losing interest in their target market. Suggestions and recommendations I would like to give certain suggestions to the Gatorade company which are as follows: Gatorade Company targeted mainly athletics and sports persons and there exist a huge potential in the market for them so they should also have targeted other segments in order to have more market share. In India they use skimming pricing approach by which they can charge high prices but if they charge less by reducing the price of the Gatorade products they can increase their sales which give them maximum profits. In Indian market they should have created more awareness among the peoples as less number of peoples knows about the Gatorade brand. For promotion in Indian market they should have used celebrity endorsement such as cricketers or Bollywood stars as they use Michael Jordan for the promotion of their energy drink products. They should have also made the Gatorade products for the rural India as more than 70% of the sector is unorganised and there exist huge potential for growth. Conclusion References GATORADES EXPENSION INTO INTERNATIONAL MARKET-BY-MOHD FAHAD

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Development and History of AIRASIA

Development and History of AIRASIA AIRASIA is one among the top International brand in the low cost Airline Industry. Airasia brand came into existence in 1993, it was a joint public-private sector enterprise, however in 2001 current CEO Mr. Tony Fernandes purchased it and It was under him the Airasia brand got global recognition and unimaginable growth which started right from 2002 and continues till date, AirAsia started moving up the ladder under Tonys leadership from 2002 onwards by launching new routes from its main hub the capital of Malaysia till then the national carrier of Malaysia ruled the sky in and around Malaysia. In 2007, Airasia announced the birth of Airasia X the long haul budget flights, the first AirAsia X flight was from Kuala lumpur International airport to Gold coast in Australia thus began the journey from south east Asia to capturing routes in major cities around the world. In 2007, Virgin Airline chief had 20% stake in AirAsia X and had announced code sharing between Virgin Blue and AirAsia in and around Australian subcontinent. Profile of AirAsia: AIRASIA, is Asias largest and one among the top 10 international brand in the low cost segment having physical base in three countries; Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. AirAsia has four subsidiaries: AirAsia, Indonesia AirAsia, ThaiAirAsia and VeitJet Airasia. The company has a strength of around 3000 staffs and It flies to around 65 destinations worldwide using the 97 aircrafts and another 125 on order will be added to its fleet and it operates over 400 domestic and International flights, The total number of passengers that flew Airasia numbered 16,000,000 per year at a rate of 51000 per day for the year 2007. STRATEGIC CORPORATE PLANNING OF AIRASIA: By September 2008, Airasia had 60 routes and was voted as Worlds best New Airline for 2008 at World low cost Airline Congress in London inspire of tough competition it faced over Asian skies by brand which had committed fan following, global recession and increased air fuel prices. Airasia managed to survive and grow against the odd solely based on their distinctive model and new strategies. AIRASIA MODEL AND STRATEGIES: To position itself as the top airline brand in the low-cost, short haul based on no frills model. Opening of new hubs at airports and new routes outside their dominated Asian zone. Expanding into the Cargo transportation market. Marketing as a Go Green brand. User being able to access bookings and Online Information on Airasia through Blackberry. Fuel efficiency which helps in the overall reduction of travel cost. The slogan of Airasia is Now Everyone Can FLY, to attract customers both old and new ones with flying on time and having attractive and competitive price and tour packages as airasia management have their own hotel division having star hotels around many destinations plus having wide range of meal option on the In-fight purchase menu. The model which AirAsia under Mr. Tony Fernandes adopted for long haul flight was to choose airport where airport charges was low hence instead of Sydney airport Gold coast airport was considered for airasia link between Malaysia and Australia. To achieve Reduction in travel fuel cost Airasia concentrated on optimizing the air fuel consumption and with majority of the asset within the fleet being new Airbus planes, its more easier said than done. Airasia management based its model around latest technology including having access to its service [online booking, online checking and e-ticketing] through computers and blackberries. Successive growth of Airasia since its re-birth in 2001 can be put on following main strategies which they adopted: Cost reduction strategy of Airasia : Airasia vision is be a leader in the low cost airline segment by targeting the 3 billions people who are still under-served with the poor connectivity facing the high fares. AirAsia managements key strategies on cost reduction are:- High point concentration on Passenger Safety and maintenance of its fleet to be in best of the condition as per the set standards of regulators and its partners. To achieve High Aircraft Utilization by trying to get the quick turnaround by 25 minutes and by increasing staff productivity. Low fare, no Frills like added facilities of baggage transfer, preference on meals and seat arrangement etc. which adds to the customer satisfaction. Streamline Operations by working with single aircraft fleet to reduce manpower and stocking of maintenance parts. Using Latest Lean Distribution System to reduce labour and material utilization like usage of E-ticket. Point to point network. Summarised in a Table format below: Cost Category Cost Item Levers for reducing costs Costs -Aircraft Utilisation. -Reduce turnaround times. -Reduce maintenance downtime Fuel Costs Route Efficiency -Weight Reduction -Shorter en-route and approach times. -High standard of fleet maintenance. -Use of fuel hedging strategy. Handling Costs Service Level In sourcing. Reduce Handling Fees Pre-cleaning activities by cabin crew Loading/unloading support from crew Global contracts with key suppliers Off-peak pricing Catering Costs Reduce unit costs Reduce volumes Simplification of meal choice. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reduce logistics costs for delivery. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Monitor passengers vs. available meals. Lean Distribution management. Ticketing Sales Channels Sales Commissions Development of E-ticketing Self-service check-ins Divert customers to on-line channels. Maintenance -Fleet. -Service Costs -Fleet harmonisation. -Reduce average fleet age. -Joint purchasing of some work. optimise maintenance activities Porters Generic Strategies: AirAsia follows Porters strategies to focus on cost leadership to allign with its business strategy and mission statement by targeting specific segment of price sensitive customers and the first time fliers looking at value for price and short haul flights. Porters Generic strategies talks of three different generic strategies that any business can focus for a overall edge over competitors, sustainability and growth as shown in above figure, the three strategies include Cost leadership, Differentiation strategy and market segmentation (Focused differentiation) (Johnson Scholes 1997). Cost leadership strategy: This strategy allows a business to become the lowest cost producer of a product within an industry by organising and managing its value- adding activities. Cost advantage may be achieved in terms of how qualitatively a product or services is designed. Differentiation strategy: This strategy is adopted by persuading customers that a product is superior to that offered by competitors (Campbell, 2002). The value added by the uniqueness of the product or services may allow the company to charge a premium price for it. However, the threat to this differentiation may include copying of the product by competitors and changes in customer tastes. Focus-differentiation strategy: is aimed at a segment of the market from a product rather than at the whole market or many markets (Campbell, 2002). The successful way using focus strategy is to tailor a broad of product or service development strengths to a relatively narrow market segment that they know very well. This strategy may also face the threat of imitation and changes in the target segments. AirAsia business strategy is built around above defined three Porters generic strategies on two of the above strategies it follows Broader approach and on focus-differentiation strategy AirAsia follows narrow approach to sustains its competitive advantage. AirAsia mission statement was to be the leader in the low cost segment and it follows the porters strategy to the book on cost leadership by providing services at a price that is simply lower than competitors price and by effective and efficient operational management. Airasia uses Porters cost leadership strategies to be on path of its motto Now everyone can fly to achieve this it markets and manages itself as airline with hassle-free, no-frills, luxury at low fare travel by efficiently managing its policy of cost reduction to the micro level in the value chain so that the saving can be passed on to the price sensitive passengers so as to be the leader in the low cost segment. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis  is a  strategic planning  method used to evaluate the  Strengths,  Weaknesses,  Opportunities, and  Threats involved in a  business  venture.   SWOT analysis points to the Internal (strength and weakness) and External (opportunities and threats) factors that would affect in the growth and sustainability of a business venture in our case Airasia to sustain its top position in the low cost carrier segment. Strengths A Low cost operations which has made AirAsia brand a leader in the low cost carrier segment. Airasia management is made of fewer level which helps in faster and effective, focused and aggressive management and with management consisting of members having strong links with Government in south pacific Asia, it makes it easy for their business development with least government interference and more concessions. Airasia Staffs is made up of workforce which are Multi-skilled and efficient, Airasia follows the model of incentives for the hardworking and smart workforce, this model helps to return talent and to grow along with the company. Management strong focus on cost reduction to position AirAsia Groups as industrys lowest cost producer. Airasia group have strong balance sheet and cash flow this helps to weather short-terms unforeseen difficulties. Airasia management decision to move to a Single type fleet paid well it helps in minimising maintenance fees. IT Utilization to the maximum has enabled Airasia to increase efficiency helping it track its fleet, staffs and seat management in case of no-show customers on ASAP basis. IT also helps in promotional activities and in lean management based on e-ticketing model and online checking. Fuel Burn Emissions: Single type fleet of Airbus A320 helps Airasia stick to its efficient fuel usage police to go by their GO Green and cost reduction strategy. Airbus A320s low noise level improves operational flexibility and lowers surcharges for airports with noise constraints. Ancillary Services: In the current year from January to April, Airasia achieved ancillary income of RM45 per passenger. AirAsias ancillary service includes products and services such as baggage supersize, in-flight food and beverage, merchandising and duty-free, courier, airspace advertising and AirAsia RedTix. AirAsia RedTix is a unique Ancillary income system which is related with non-airline ticketing system focusing on tickets to events, sports and music. Ancillary income not only contributes to the airlines bottom line, but it also provides a buffer against rising fuel prices. Weakness Airasia do not have their own MRO (maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) facilities. Being a young fleet with young staff at times makes it difficult to handle unforseen situation at both physical location and over the customer service management mainly related with change of flight and over refunds. AirAsia have faced difficulties with government interference mainly at level where Airasias main competition happens to be directly with the national carrier. Being a young brand makes it a challenge to catch the attention of frequent and first time fliers for Branding is vital for market position. Airasia depends on service based on outsourcing which at times can lead to delivery delays and hindrance of long duration on two segment IT and MRO. Young fleet at times shows lack of contingency plan on irregular situations. Opportunities AirAsis after making a mark for its brand in short haul low cost carrier sector is targeting the Long haul flight domain as an trial phase to tap share of that market as well. After having tasted success in Asia-Pacific region, AirAsia is targeting new routes and destinations on a global level. AirAsia by having tie up with other established low cost carriers on Existing, new routes and destinations untapped by AirAsia brand for example Airasia have tie up with Virgin Airline on landing rights and landing slots. AirAsia have tied with various new Airports outside of Malaysia for setting up for new AirAsia hub at these Airports. AirAsia management through its RedTix subsidiary can enhance its brand growth by having Service related Industry-wide mutual cooperation. AirAsia being in a Dominant/monopoly position in many routes in and around the Asia-Pacific zone will give them bargaining power on the pricing front. Threats Established carriers both private and national carriers if start bringing down their prices to attract the cost sensitive customers will directly affect AirAsia which is based on low cost, no frills, no hassle model. Global uncertainty on Business and Political front directly causes fuel prices to increase and High Fuel prices decreases revenue and hurts more for a low cost carrier. IT Utilization to maximum can also have a side effect on growth for heavy reliance on online sales is risky as system can breakdown anytime. New form of taxes for example Environmental taxes adds on to disruption on the cost equation. With terrorism being a global evil airline Industry is the always under threat, Accidents due to human and natural disaster is always a threat. Uncertainties on Aviation regulations and government policies. PEST ANALYSIS POLITICAL: Political Uncertainties in Asia-pacific region be it Malaysia, Indonesia and the wide unrest in Thailand. Malaysian Government Regulation played a vital role at the initial stages. There existed a heavy restriction on competition in this industry imposed by the individual countries mainly Malaysia trying to protect their national airlines. The bilateral agreement between the countries led to the deregulation of the industry. Terrorism is one of the factor which plays behind the mind of the traveler wishing to take a vacation in the Asia-pacific zone specially after Bali bombing which is one of the dominating region for AirAsia brand. ECONOMIC: The terrorist attacks, wars, epidemics like SARS, played a very crucial role in the airline industries. Uncertainty in fuel and energy costs Uncertainties on the economical Recession front can highly affect the AirAsia growth. SOCIAL: The Growth in the Middle class population in Asia where AirAsia has a dominating presence. Attractive Travel and tourism package by government initiated tourism Ministry and private tour operators attracted large number of fliers. Exclusive prices provided by AirAsia helped in the growth of its brand among price conscious fliers. TECHNOLOGICAL: Being a Young fleet, AirAsia had the Advantage to invest and use latest technology and concepts as their business model. AirAsia along with using World Wide Web for online services are internally using -Yield Management system, computer reservation system and latest Microsofts Enterprise Resource Planning System. All these have helped AirAsia to reduce operating costs and provide fast, efficient service like checking of flight schedules, booking seats, online check-in, and pre-order meals, Supersize my baggage FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS upto 2nd Quarter of 2010. Table below shows the positive growth of AirAsia brand in last 3 years with strong profit after tax performance of RM 549 million

Wuthering Heights - Short Analysis Essay :: essays research papers

Conflict is the basic foundation for Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. Much of this conflict results from a distinct division of classes and is portrayed through personal relationships, for example the unfriendly relationship between the higher-class Lintons and the lower-class Heathcliff. Conflict is also portrayed by the appearance of characters the setting. The division of classes is based on cultural, economic, and social differences, and it greatly affects the general behaviour and actions of each character. The setting of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange provides a clear example of social contrast. While the Heights is depicted as simply typical and "domestic," the Grange is described as a "scene of unprecedented richness". Each house is associated with behaviour fitting the description. For example, when Catherine is taken into the Grange, she experiences drastic changes, thus going from a "savage" to a "lady". While at this house, she rises in status, learns manners, and receives great privileges such as not having to work. Heathcliff, on the other hand, learns to classify himself as a member of the lower class, as he does not possess the qualities of those at the Grange. Catherine's decision to marry Edgar Linton rather than Heathcliff widens the gap between social classes because Edgar Linton is a wealthy man of high status, and Heathcliff is poor and possesses no assets. Catherine does not consider personal feelings, but instead, she focuses on her outward appearance to society. This is shown when she says, "Edgar Linton will be rich and I shall like to be the greatest woman of the neighbourhood whereas if Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars.† In Wuthering Heights wealth signifies social class because Catherine strives to achieve high status by marrying the rich man over the poor man. The story concludes in "resolution and reconciliation". Wuthering Heights - Short Analysis Essay :: essays research papers Conflict is the basic foundation for Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. Much of this conflict results from a distinct division of classes and is portrayed through personal relationships, for example the unfriendly relationship between the higher-class Lintons and the lower-class Heathcliff. Conflict is also portrayed by the appearance of characters the setting. The division of classes is based on cultural, economic, and social differences, and it greatly affects the general behaviour and actions of each character. The setting of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange provides a clear example of social contrast. While the Heights is depicted as simply typical and "domestic," the Grange is described as a "scene of unprecedented richness". Each house is associated with behaviour fitting the description. For example, when Catherine is taken into the Grange, she experiences drastic changes, thus going from a "savage" to a "lady". While at this house, she rises in status, learns manners, and receives great privileges such as not having to work. Heathcliff, on the other hand, learns to classify himself as a member of the lower class, as he does not possess the qualities of those at the Grange. Catherine's decision to marry Edgar Linton rather than Heathcliff widens the gap between social classes because Edgar Linton is a wealthy man of high status, and Heathcliff is poor and possesses no assets. Catherine does not consider personal feelings, but instead, she focuses on her outward appearance to society. This is shown when she says, "Edgar Linton will be rich and I shall like to be the greatest woman of the neighbourhood whereas if Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars.† In Wuthering Heights wealth signifies social class because Catherine strives to achieve high status by marrying the rich man over the poor man. The story concludes in "resolution and reconciliation".

Friday, July 19, 2019

Animal Farm - Knowledge Is Power Essay -- essays research papers

George Orwell’s novel ‘Animal Farm’ is an allegorical fable of the Russian Revolution. It depicts the Revolution in a way that is inoffensive to people and also very easy to understand. This controversial novel also teaches many valuable lessons, all very true in man’s past and also in the present. In all of man’s histories, there are legends of tyrannical kings and merciless emperors, corrupted with the thirst for ultimate power. Education also played an important role in the subjugation of mankind; the intelligent and educated use their knowledge to undermine and control the naà ¯ve uneducated proletariats. The naà ¯vetà © of an ignorant working class is detrimental to any society; neither communist nor democratic societies are unaffected. Power is a blessing and also a curse, cast upon man and affecting us all, nevertheless, it affects those without power, as well as those with power. All great leaders had and have great power. Power is not biased, it does not make a good leader a good person, but it can make a good person a tyrannical and merciless leader. For example, Adolf Hitler was a great leader, but he was a very bad man. Due to the knowledge, cunning and coaxing of education, leaders can become corrupted and tainted, tainted with the poison of corruption laced in their meal of power and control. Such was what occurred in ‘Animal Farm’; the pigs who were educated gained power and control over Manor Farm, which under the concept of Animalism, they called Animal Farm. Fro...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Story About My Mother

Vu Lan celebration is coming, on websites there are many written works about mother. They are simple but meaningful and reminded me of my mother. Accordingly, I want to share with everyone my story-a long one to tell†¦ When I was a child, I always imagined my mother as a serious and frightening woman. She was constantly forcing me to stay at home whereas my friend can freely go out and enjoy their childhood. That’s not fair!!! There was a question that kept haunting my mind â€Å"Is she exactly my mother? † . I think that I found the answer after that story.One time, being too passionate about games with my friends, I forgot to come back home, making my parents extremely worry and find me everywhere. Finding out me in the yard with my friends, she furiously shouted at me and hit me in front of all my friends including the boy that I liked. It is too ashamed! I did not have dinner and kept myself in my room on that day. During that night, instead of sleeping, I plan ned to revenge my mother in the next days. In the following day,as usual she went to work and left me alone at home .However, this time I decided not to stay alone in that boring house. Fortunately, I came across a tiny hole in the window, which was small enough for my little friends to creep into. Being too happy, we play many games one by one. Suddenly, I had an accident while I was playing skipping with my mother’s scraft, leading to my chin’s blooding. I was very afraid no matter how much my friends encouraged me. I cried so much my friends had to find the help of my neighbor. He immediately informed my mother. â€Å" This time surely my mother will hit me seriously† I thought that.Especially when I heard the sound of her motorbike, my heart beat faster to wait my mother’s punishment. Nevertheless, everything was totally unexpected. Right after the door had been opened, the scene I saw was not her furious eyes but her eyes with continuously dropping t ears. My mother hurriedly ran to me and embraced me tightly. I could not forget those eye. I feel that my mother was also painful like me. That was the moment I realized her invaluable love for me. Until now I learned that mother’s love is not just pampering but the strict as well and that mother is the one love us the most.

Only one submission assignment

Is required for each group. Late penalisation The late penalty for the assignment is 10 percent of the full foretoken per day for each day the assignment Is late. Including weekends and popular holidays. Other Penalties The penalty for groups of more than 7 students is 50% deduction of the total mark received. Total 15 marks sever 1 Hedging with Futures Assume that you ar holding a portfolio of S&P big businessman and consider using the S&P d index futures contracts to parry the portfolio risk.Determine your hedging strategy nd argue how to implement your strategy (note that the contract tuition of the S&P 500 index futures can be found at the CME website). Data file can be downloaded from the course Blackboard under the throw away folder. The file contains daily prices of S&P 500 index and S&P 500 index futures. Part 2 Trading Options Go to Yahoo pay http//finance. yahoo. com/ and click on the Dow Jones, NASDAQ (on the top panel). and so click on components on the lef t-hand(a) hand panel. You can see a key out of mental strains in the Symbol column.When you click on any have a bun in the oven, you will get basic Information on the stock. Among them. Market upper-case letter Is the one you need to use to grant stocks. You need to select three stocks (a stock with market capitalization more than $10 trillion, a stock with market capitalization In between $10 billion and $500 million and a stock with market capitalization less than $500 million) whose options are reasonably actively traded. wrap up on a stock and whence click on options on the left panel, you will get the prices of calls and puts.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

It Week

This Is one of the principal(prenominal) reasons presidential terms encumber the recitations of e-mails. The path once an e-mail leaves an constitution is a very broad one, it goes through an IP destination from sender to an IP address to the receiver (or what we key the cyberspace). And the receiver send away then take the instruction displace to them and resend it others without the permission or evenn friendship of who in turn give receive it and what they entrust do with it. An e- mail heap pass through many hands before ending up in the right place. Instant Messaging creates a chat service that enables both parties real conviction communication such like talking on the phone.It endure increase productivity if used correctly. unity drawback is own(prenominal) habitude with friends during work hours. These can spy down the system and waste revenue. It is not continuously the most formal way to communicate because sometimes it has its own language which can b e misapprehend or not appropriate. For example, LOL stands for laugh out loud. The benefits and drawback of blade pages and search engine usages as well as can be harmful to a company if the searches argon not appropriate for that validation. Having a web page can be a great way to raise because in most cases it is free.Search engines can supply the organization with much needed information faster than manuals. in that location may be more but here(p exiticate) is a few choices of search engine that are the most popular Yahoo, Microsoft (Bingo), and Google Search. Should organizations monitor employee e-mail and net income usages? This can be argued on both sides. there are privacy Issues here for both sides, and it can create problems If the wrong Information Is given. But you also have to take a look at personal sites, what Is the person saying about and employee, passenger car or client? Is It good or bad, and who will rede It later.I know of several people red because of what they posted on Faceable which Is a personal site. And rightly, they should be discharged. The negativity Is viewed everywhere and by everyone and this could hurt an organization without really meaning to. So I recall It Is good practice to monitor e-mail and mesh usage, but there has to be something In pen first to make It known that they are universe monitored to avoid the privacy laws. Lilts Week 4 By orchard I believe that e-mail usage with an organization is beneficial to all parties within an organization.Its main purpose is for communications between employees, management, and clients. It is a ray used from a PC too PC or MAC which is sent and received in seconds, As far as the downside of e-mail usage can be the information being sent and received and the privacy issues. Organizations fear that that the information being sent and or received can consume to a lawsuit or cause obstinate publicity for that organization, which could be costly to an organization . This is one of profits usages? This can be argued on both sides. thither are privacy issues here for both sides, and it can create problems if the wrong information is given.But you also eve to take a look at personal sites, what is the person saying about and employee, manager or client? Is it good or bad, and who will see it later. I know of several people fired because of what they posted on Faceable which is a personal site. And rightly, they should be fired. The negativity is viewed everywhere and by everyone and this could hurt an organization without really meaning to. So I anticipate it is good practice to monitor e-mail and internet usage, but there has to be something in indite first to make it known that they are being monitored to avoid the privacy laws.